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Tips for Office Etiquette

  1. Don’t interrupt your colleagues. Not only is it disrespectful but it’s a sign of poor social skills.
  2. Pull the plug on office chatter. It is reasonable to bond with your colleagues but when you are disrupting other colleagues or hindering productivity it is time to stop.
  3. Don’t be loud. It’s not just rude, it’s intrusive. Be mindful not to invade other people’s personal space. Continue reading Tips for Office Etiquette

15 Tips for Business Phone Etiquette

  1. Make sure you speak clearly and are smiling as you answer the phone; also identify yourself.
  2. Before placing a caller on hold, ask their permission first and thank them.
  3. It is better to return a call than to keep someone on hold too long. If the phone rings back to you, you’ve kept them on hold too long.
  4. Do not forget to return the call as you promised.
  5. Do not permit the phone to ring into the office more than three times. Continue reading 15 Tips for Business Phone Etiquette

12 Tips for Better E-mail Etiquette

E-mail messaging now exceeds telephone traffic and is the dominant form of business communication.   Don’t you wish that every person who received a new e-mail account had to agree to follow certain rules to use it? There are certain professional standards expected for e-mail use. Here are some things to keep in mind regarding professional e-mail conduct:
Continue reading 12 Tips for Better E-mail Etiquette